
That's why you should focus on a few strategic areas (and a simple tool that helps)

In a world where there are so many opportunities, challenges and distractions, it can be difficult to stay focused on what really matters. Many people and organizations waste time, energy and resources pursuing many different strategic goals without achieving the desired results.

How can you avoid this trap and ensure that you work on things that make a difference to your business?


Use the 80/20 principle to select your strategic focus

An effective tool that can help prioritize and optimize one's efforts is the 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle. This principle describes the phenomenon that 80% of the consequences within an area are due to 20% of the causes1. This means that there is a skewed distribution of value and effort in most situations. E.g:

  • 80% of your revenue comes from 20% of your customers
  • 80% of your job satisfaction comes from 20% of your tasks
  • 80% of your problems are due to 20% of your sources

The 80/20 rule is not a fixed and precise law, but rather a rule of thumb that can vary from situation to situation. The important thing is to understand that there is an imbalance between effort and result, and that you can use this imbalance to your advantage.

By identifying and focusing on the 20% of your activities that create 80% of your value, you can increase your efficiency, productivity and satisfaction. You can eliminate, reduce or delegate the 80% of your activities that create only 20% of your value, freeing up time and resources to do more of what works.

To apply the 80/20 rule in practice, you must first analyze your current situation and find out what are your most important goals, customers, tasks, problems, etc. You can use different methods to collect and analyze data, such as questionnaires, interviews, observations, accounts, statistics, etc. You can also use your intuition and experience to assess what is most valuable to you.

Once you've identified your 20%'s causes, focus your attention, energy, and resources on them. You need to ensure that you give them the highest priority, quality and attention. You must also search for ways to improve, expand and multiply them so that you can create even more value.

Once you have identified your 80% of the consequences, consider how you can eliminate, reduce or delegate them. You need to ask yourself if they are necessary, useful or desirable and if they contribute to your goals. If not, get rid of them or minimize their influence. If they are necessary but not valuable, find ways to automate, outsource, or simplify them so you can spend less time and resources on them.

By following the 80/20 rule, you can create more value with less effort.

You can focus on them few strategic areas, that has the biggest impact on your business's success. You can also free yourself from many unnecessary, boring or stressful activities that take the focus away from what is really important and makes a difference.


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