When you're selling something, no matter what, you can't avoid talking to your customers once in a while. To get as much valuable knowledge out of the conversation as possible, Geofrey James of inc.com recommends that you do your homework properly.
The difference between good preparation can be the difference between you getting the order or gaining access to valuable information.
But how do you find out what your customers want and need? Quite simply, James suggests that you interview one of them.
According to Geoffrey James it's about the right preparation and asking the right questions, in the right way.
1. Preparation
Preparation is about getting to know yourself
Decide which aspects of your customer's situation you want to address.
To ensure that the conversation will flow, James recommends that you refrain from writing down your questions verbatim. This will easily sound rehearsed. Just write down some keywords, put circle the most important ones and mark when you have inquired about the topic.
2. Start a conversation
Your interaction with the customer must be as natural as possible, which is why you must let the questions arise naturally in the conversation. If you don't do that, the customer can easily feel questioned.
It is also important that you actively listen to the customer. Don't spend her speaking time thinking about what you're going to say when it's your turn.
3. Ask open-ended non-leading questions
That a question is open means that it cannot be answered with a single word. The best way to ensure this is to start your questions with the hv words: who, what, why, how and which.
Whether you use this technique over the phone or face to face, you will find that your customer feels comfortable. Especially if you can refrain from going into "sales mode".
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